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Update order (reversing)

Update an order where existing items are reversed and new items are added.

Create order

"options": {
"generate_order_id": "ALPHANUMERIC_9"
"order": {
"currency": "NOK",
"items": [
"id": "175938",
"line_id": 1,
"quantity": 2,
"gross_amount": 39800,
"tax_lines": [
"amount": 7960,
"percentage": 25
"description": "Stablestol for utendørsbruk",
"description_alias": "Staplestol"

Authorize and capture the order

"items": [
"amount": 39800,
"line_id": 1
"payment_details": {
"payment_id": "PID_123"
"success": true

Reverse order item and add new item

Update existing order, removing (reversing) existing item and adding a new item.

"options": {
"order_id": "{order_id}"
"order": {
"currency": "NOK",
"items": [
"id": "175938",
"line_id": 2,
"quantity": 2,
"gross_amount": -39800,
"tax_lines": [
"amount": -7960,
"percentage": 25
"description": "Stablestol for utendørsbruk",
"description_alias": "Staplestol",
"reversed_reason": "Replace item",
"related_item": {
"line_id": 1,
"type": "reversed"
"id": "003929",
"line_id": 3,
"quantity": 1,
"gross_amount": 39800,
"tax_lines": [
"amount": 7960,
"percentage": 25
"description": "Stablestol for innendørsbruk",
"description_alias": "Staplestol Lux"

use related_item to link the item that is being reversed

Authorize and capture reversed item

"items": [
"amount": -39800,
"line_id": 2
"payment_details": {
"payment_id": "PID_123"
"success": true

Authorize and capture the new item

"items": [
"amount": 39800,
"line_id": 3
"payment_details": {
"payment_id": "PID_123"
"success": true

Refund remaining

We recommend that an additional item is included in the draft update if the original authorization is higher than the new items.

Authorize and capture the new item + refund line

"items": [
"amount": 39800,
"line_id": 3
"amount": 1000,
"line_id": 4
"payment_details": {
"payment_id": "PID_123"
"success": true

Refund remaining authorization

"items": [
"amount": 1000,
"line_id": 4
"payment_details": {
"payment_id": "PID_123"
"success": true

Part authorization / captures

We recommend that additional authorization/captures is added to the new item if the original authorization/capture below the new item amount

Support for multiple authorization (same item) is planned for 2021-06-01

"items": [
"amount": 1000,
"line_id": 3
"payment_details": {
"payment_id": "PID_321"
"success": true