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Integration Checklist

Creating Checkout Client

To start using the Dintero Checkout in your own website, you need to create an API Client via Dintero Backoffice.

Step by step-guide

First, log into Backoffice, then:

1. Go to Settings

Click on SettingsAPI & Integrations and click API clients.


2. New API client

Click on Create new API client.


3. Checkout Client

Click on Checkout client


4. Create Client

Write the URL of your website and click on Create API client.


5. Store credentials

The client is created. Make sure to store the credentials somewhere safe. The client secret can not be shown from the Backoffice again.


6. Use the credentials

Your client is created, and you can now use the credentials in your own website.



Check out how to create a session for the next steps in your integration.

More info

  • Integrate these API endpoints
  • Handle redirect and callback
  • Important details when creating session
    • Prefer checkout profiles for configuring sessions
    • Each item in order.items should contain an unique line_id.
    • Each item in order.items should contain the vat percentage.
    • amount = amount_without_vat + vat_amount.
  • Capturing
    • Make sure to include all the captured items in the call to /capture, also the shipping option.
    • When capturing Collector payments, capture full item lines.
  • Refunding
    • Include the details of the items being refunded.
  • If using Checkout Express
    • Handle shipping address callback for updating shipping options when shipping address changes (optional)
    • Handle discount code callback to validate discount codes (optional)
  • Other