Validating callbacks
Opening firewalls for callbacks
Callbacks from checkout sessions will be sent from one of these IPs:
If you're using a firewall, traffic from this IP should be let through.
Validating payload with signature
Use POST /v1/admin/signature to create a secret.
Callbacks from Dintero will now include a header named Dintero-Signature, and your backend can now implement signature verification for this.
Example code for validating signature
To validate the signature received in the Dintero-Signature header
- Note that spaces in query parmeters must be encoded with
) before the signature is created - The query parameters must be sorted
const assert = require("node:assert/strict");
const crypto = require("node:crypto");
const account_id = "T12345678";
const secret = "apikeysecret";
const createSignature = (requestUrl, method, timestamp) => {
const dataUrl = new URL(requestUrl);
const { hostname, pathname } = dataUrl;
const params = dataUrl.searchParams;
const query = params.toString();
const payload =
`${timestamp}\n${account_id}\n${method}` +
const signature = crypto
.createHmac("sha256", secret)
.update(payload, "utf8")
return `t=${timestamp},` + `v0-hmac-sha256=${signature}`;
const verifySignature = (signatureHeader, method, requestUrl) => {
const parts = signatureHeader.split(",");
const timestamp = parseInt(parts[0].split("=")[1]);
// expire after 5 minutes
timestamp < Math.floor(new Date().getTime() / 1000 + 5 * 60 * 60),
const trusted = Buffer.from(
createSignature(requestUrl, method, timestamp),
const untrusted = Buffer.from(signatureHeader, "ascii");
assert.ok(crypto.timingSafeEqual(trusted, untrusted));
console.log("signature valid");
How to view the callback sent and recieved
Sometimes, small unforeseen difficulties might occur when implementing the signature check. For example, if you succesfully create a transaction from a checkout session but the signature check fails on the recieved callback, this might be for you.
To provide a better overview of the request sent and response received, the Backoffice platform offers a view at the bottom of each individual transaction page. This view includes any callbacks sent and received.