Checkout for Shopify
How to install the Dintero Checkout for Shopify
Step 1 - Install the plugin
- Log in to Dintero Backoffice or make a Dintero Account.
- Click on Settings
- Under 3rd party integrations click on eCommerce
- Here you will see a list of plugins, click on Connect under the Shopify logo
Step 2 - Shopify login
- After you have clicked on connect, you will need to login with your Shopify account
- After you have successfully logged in, you will need to install the plugin.
- After you have clicked install you will need to select the Dintero account you wish to connect (If you have more than one)
- The last thing to do is to activate the plugin
Congratulations! 🎉🥳
You've now successfully installed the Dintero Checkout for Shopify. If you've gotten your application for payment methods approved, you can now start receiving payments.