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Payment In App

Merchant may implement deep-linking to open the merchant app after the user has finished (opr cancelled) the payment.

In App

Merchant may use the for payment done from mobile devices, where the url.return_url can be set to the application's appswitch URL


"url": {
"return_url": "merchantApp://result?myAppData",
"callback_url": ""
"order": {
"amount": "500",
"currency": "NOK",
"merchant_reference": "ORDER123"
"configuration": {
"channel": "in_app",
"bambora": {
"vipps": {
"enabled": true


"id": "P12345678.55Q4CC1WuVJdgCssZfrf5a",
"url": "vipps://?token=XXXX"

The URL included when the session is created will be app specific, e.g. Vipps if the session is limited to a single payment option, otherwise it will be a link to Dintero Checkout where user is presented all payment options

Payment finished or cancelled

After the user has finished (or cancelled) the payment, the user is returned to the specific app return_url, Dintero will append query parameters to the return_url

transaction_idThe transaction for the paymentfalse
session_idThe session payment idfalse
errorError code identify causefalse
merchant_referenceMerchant referencetrue

Example URL


App-switching (deep-linking)

The merchant can enable app switching by including initial_recipient=merchant in return_url, the payment app will then switch directly to the merchant app after the user has finished (or cancelled) the payment.

You will in this case be required to do some more work to make sure that the session/transaction has the correct status.

The next steps depends on the payment method that is used.

  • For Bambora Vipps you will receive epayreturn as a query parameter in the URL.
  • For a direct Vipps integration you will receive a transaction_id query parameter in the URL.

If return url contains epayreturn

If the return url contains epayreturn, you will have to do a GET request to this URL. If the response does not contain epayreturn, you should instead jump to "Polling the session or transaction".

The response will contain a Location header that you also need to perform a GET request to. After this, you should get another response with a location header, that contains a transaction_id or session_id.

After this back and forth, you should have a transaction_id or session_id that you can use to get the status of the payment.

Full process:

title Bambora Vipps App-switching after payment

participant "Merchant app"
participant "Vipps app"
participant Bambora
participant Dintero

"Vipps app" -> "Merchant app": merchantApp://result?epayreturn=redirect_url_a
"Merchant app" -> Bambora: GET redirect_url_a
Bambora -> "Merchant app": 302 Location: redirect_url_b
"Merchant app" -> Dintero: GET redirect_url_b
Dintero -> "Merchant app": 302 Location: redirect_url_c?merchant_reference=foo&session_id=bar&transaction_id=baz
"Merchant app" -> Dintero: GET OR


Polling the session or transaction

You will now be required to poll for status on the payment by using the session_id or transaction_id provided as the status on the payment may not be ready when the merchant app receive the switch from the payment app.

Poll the transaction until it has been updated with one of these statuses:


In case no transaction_id is included in the return_url, poll the session to get the transaction_id

The initial_recipient=merchant option is not supported for:

  • payex.vipps
  • payex.swish
  • bambora.mobilepay
"url": {
"return_url": "merchantApp://result?myAppData&initial_recipient=merchant",
"callback_url": ""
"order": {
"amount": "500",
"currency": "NOK",
"merchant_reference": "ORDER123"
"configuration": {
"channel": "in_app",
"bambora": {
"vipps": {
"enabled": true