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Postman Guide


First steps

Download these files:

When Postman is opened, import the Postman Collection using the Import-button in the upper left corner.

Now, go to Manage Environments, and import the Sandbox Environment.

Now, edit the Sandbox Environment with the properties that are unique to you:

  • checkoutApiClientId (e.g. 13246c33-6b84-423c-9a12-21db98a29424)
  • checkoutApiClientSecret (e.g. b8ab258b-461e-4cf3-b425-ba6631027d9d)
  • dinteroAccountId (e.g. T41112484)

Make sure you use credentials from the sandbox/test-environment, and an accountId prefixed with a T.

You can also set a payment profile id, see prerequisites.

  • sessionProfileId

This should also be prefixed with a T.

Fetching a token

Now, you should be able to fetch a token. Go to the Get Token-request and push the Send-button. If everything goes well, you'll get an access_token that you can use for calls to the Checkout API.

Create a session

Go to Create a checkout session. You can edit the body if you want to, and then push Send. A session will be created, and you will get a URL that you can use to pay it.

You can also create a session using the Create checkout session from profile if you've configured the sessionProfileId variable.

You can cancel the session using the Cancel session-request before paying.

After paying

When the session is paid, use the Get checkout session details-request to see the status of the session.

If the payment succeeded, there should be a transaction_id-property on the session. This will be saved as an environment variable in Postman.

You can now fetch the transaction using the Get a transaction-request. You can also void it, capture it and make a refund after capturing.


To customize your requests, check out the checkout api for all the possibilities.